Developmental History
Over my 10 years of filming the BC Outdoors Sport Fishing TV show I have seen some significant changes to British Columbia’s salmon sport fishery. Salmon stocks have dropped in some areas and thrived in others, and I have had some of the best chinook fishing in my life halted by puzzling closures by the government. My goal with this documentary is to explore the reasons behind these changes and explain their impact on sport fishing in BC.
We hope that the documentary program and this companion website will be valuable resources to future generations in helping understand the mistakes that have been made in hopes that whatever fishery is left is sustainable.
In this documentary, we are going to look back at the origins of sport fishing for salmon in BC and include the near collapse in the 90’s to where we are today. I am hoping that by talking about the history and the challenges of the lodges, guides and sport anglers this will give a perspective on what the sport truly means to our economy and culture here in BC.
I have been fishing BC’s coast for over 25 years and have been deeply passionate when it comes to our great fishery and the future fisheries that I hope my kids and grandkids will enjoy.
Mike Mitchell
Host of BC Outdoors Sport Fishing TV
President - Mountain View Productions